Kingston Bed
$2,099 - Queen
$2,199 - King Shown in King size | #602K
$2,199 - King Shown in King size | #602K

$2,099 - Queen
$2,199 - King Shown in King size | #602K
$2,199 - King Shown in King size | #602K

About this Product
The Kingston barnwood bed showcases a gabled headboard frame of authentic barnwood with natural barnwood panels framed by thick reclaimed posts. This Amish bed is made of only solid wood, built for its rustic grander and its outstanding quality craftsmanship!
Available Sizes
King 84” W x 91″ D x 65" H
Queen 76” W x 87″ D x 65" H
So many great features
The barnwood highlights color variations that have occurred over decades of the wood being exposed to the elements outside – being used for barns, outbuildings, and old homes. Each distress mark and knot add to the rustic character of this barnwood bed.