Leather Care Tips

Learn how to care for your leather so it looks great for years & years.
We start by using the highest quality leather as well as all solid wood frames to make long-lasting furniture. When you upkeep your leather furniture regularly, you can count on your leather maintaining its natural beauty & strength over time.
Clean Your Leather
DUST FIRST! Aim to keep your leather dust and dirt free. Keep your leather dusted weekly to prevent it from absorbing dust or dirt particles. Leather is porous like our skin, so it needs to be cleaned regularly to maintain its softness, color, and elasticity.
Quickly clean spills with a clean cloth or sponge; if necessary, use clean distilled water only and let dry naturally. Do not use any product involving solvents to clean leather! Always try to clean an inconspicuous part of the upholstery first as a test. Note that full top grain leathers DO NOT NEED SOAP AND WATER. This leather only needs dusting.

Leather's Enemies: Dust & Sun
Dust and sun will cause the leather to fade and crack. Think of leather as your own skin, you need to keep it clean. Dust will damage leather because it collects everything and will change its color over time. Too much sun will dry the leather out and can cause it to crack over time, so avoid the sun and condition the leather if desired. *Ask us about our recommendation for best leather conditioner depending on your leather finish*
Know What Your Leather Withstands
Keep in mind what finish your leather is and know if it is protected from absorbing food spills or body and hair oils. This will affect how you use your pieces.
Finishes vs. Water
"P" Finish

"N" Finish

Know Your Leather Type
When purchasing leather from us, you will be provided with a detailed care instructions sheet for your specific type of leather. Each leather finish is unique in its use and maintenance, so make sure to let your salesperson know your expectations for how the leather will need to hold up to your unique lifestyle. You can always call us with any questions pertaining to the care and maintenance of your pieces!

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